Fundraising Mistakes and Musts

Fundraising can be intimidating for church planters.

Pastors do not go into the ministry because they like to ask people for money. They want to answer the call God has given them to preach the gospel and make disciples. Believe it or not, many of the attributes that make up a great pastor make for a quality fundraiser as well. 

To help you with your fundraising efforts, here are some bumps in the road you should avoid in your fundraising journey, as well as practical steps to fundraising well. 

Mistakes Church Planters Make with Fundraising

The biggest mistake people make is not making the ask at all. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to give to your new church plant. Supporting church planting through giving is something you know is going to be beneficial for the people you are reaching as well as the person who is donating. It’s better to assume that people want to have the opportunity to be a blessing and are looking for a chance to be a part of what God is doing. 

The second mistake is making too strong of an ask. This can happen in multiple ways. One way is by asking for money without building up relational equity first. You start fundraising, not with a meeting when you give a pitch, but by genuine relationship long before you make an ask. You may not always have that opportunity for a long-term relationship, though. In this situation, you want to make sure that you ask them to pray about getting involved instead of asking for money the first time you meet. 

The key to overcoming both of these mistakes of being too shy or too bold is not making it about you. Make fundraising about the people you are reaching and the person who is having a chance to get involved with what God is doing.

Practical Steps to Fundraising Well

  • Prepare for a fundraising meeting by finding out about the person you are meeting with first. 

  • Start the meeting by asking questions about them and their vision. This way, you can better connect your vision to what they are already passionate about in their life.

  • Share your needs, but also share your vision and your practical plan for sustainability. How are you going to get a return on their investment? 

  • It’s always good to follow up and thank the person for their time with a personal note. 

  • Being authentic and genuinely caring for each person you come into contact with may be the best fundraising strategy you can employ. 

You are a church planter and pastor because you are passionate about God, people, and your faith. It would be best if you kept these things in front of you when fundraising. God is your source, and fundraising for a church plant is just one more way we can learn to lean on Him more.

Deka has a long track record of helping church planters and pastors meet their financial goals. We have developed innovative tools to help pastors grow their church and the finances of their ministry. Click here to schedule a free coaching session with one of our team members. We would be happy to help!


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